Results for 'Ėduard Viktorovich Bartenev'

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  1. Taĭna bytii︠a︡ chelovecheskogo.Ėduard Viktorovich Bartenev - 1969 - Moskva,: Politizdat.
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    Eduard Gans (1797-1839): Hegelianer, Jude, Europäer: Texte und Dokumente.Eduard Gans & Norbert Waszek - 1991
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  3. Eduard Hanslick's On the musically beautiful: a new translation.Eduard Hanslick - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Lee Allen Rothfarb & Christoph Landerer.
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    Eduard Spranger: verstehende Kulturphilosophie der Politik-Ökonomie-Pädagogik: Originaltexte & Interpretationen: Eduard Spranger zum 50. Todesjahr.Eduard Spranger, Wolfgang Hinrichs, Markus Porsche-Ludwig & Jürgen Bellers (eds.) - 2013 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Eduard Zellers Kleine Schriften.Eduard Zeller - 1910 - Berlin,: G. Reimer. Edited by Hermann Diels, Karl Holl & Otto Leuze.
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    The philosophical content of industrial design.Nikolay Viktorovich Bryzgov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article is devoted to the philosophy of industrial design as the most important area of aesthetic and engineering activity of people, shaping the appearance of modern society. The object of the study is industrial design, and its subject is the philosophical foundations of industrial design. The goal of the study is to identify the philosophical essence of industrial design in epistemological, ontological and anthropological dimensions. Attention is paid to the historical aspects of industrial design, which allows us to more (...)
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  7. Rannegrecheskiĭ polls.I︠U︡riĭ Viktorovich Andreev - 1976
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    O cheloveke, chelovecheskom, chelovechnom: zametki dli︠a︡ sebi︠a︡.Nikolaĭ Viktorovich Barinov - 2002 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ gumanitarnyĭ t︠s︡entr.
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    Russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ XIX veka o meste Rossii v mirovoĭ kulʹture: monografii︠a︡.Anatoliĭ Viktorovich Belov - 2018 - Rostov-na-Donu: I︠U︡zhnyĭ federalʹnyĭ universitet. Edited by V. D. Bakulov.
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  10. Ot mysli k deĭstvi︠u︡.Ėduard Viktorovich Bezcherevnykh - 1964
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  11. The secret of man's being.Ėduard Viktorovich Bezcherevnykh - 1972 - Moscow,: Novosti.
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  12. (3 other versions)Kratkiĭ slovarʹ po filosofii.Igorʹ Viktorovich Blauberg, P. V. Kopnin & I. K. Pantin (eds.) - 1966 - Moskva,: Izd.-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  13. Problema t︠s︡elostnosti i sistemnyĭ podkhod.Igorʹ Viktorovich Blauberg - 1997 - Moskva: Editorial URSS.
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  14. Problema t︠s︡elostnosti v marksistskoĭ filosofii.Igorʹ Viktorovich Blauberg - 1963 - Moskva,: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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  15. Stanovlenie sistemnykh ideĭ v nauke i filosofii: [Sb. stateĭ.Igorʹ Viktorovich Blauberg & V. N. Sadovskiĭ (eds.) - 1980 - Moskva: Vses. nauch.-issl. in-t sistemnykh issledovaniĭ.
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  16. Dialektika soderzhanii︠a︡ i formy v informat︠s︡ionnykh prot︠s︡essakh.Evgenii Viktorovich Dmitriev - 1973 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika,".
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  17. Dialektika Aristoteli︠a︡.David Viktorovich Dzhokhadze - 1971 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    Filosofii︠a︡ antichnogo dialoga.David Viktorovich Dzhokhadze - 1997 - Moskva: Dialog MGU.
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  19. Vvedenie v istorii︠u︡ zapadno-evropeĭskoĭ srednevekovoĭ filosofii.David Viktorovich Dzhokhadze & N. I. Stiazhkin - 1981 - Tbilisi: Izd-vo "Ganatleba". Edited by N. I. Sti︠a︡zhkin.
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  20. Zarubezhnoe filosofskoe antikovedenie: kriticheskiĭ analiz.David Viktorovich Dzhokhadze (ed.) - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Prospects for Overcoming the Contradictions of the Development of Artificial Intelligence.Dmitry Viktorovich Gluzdov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of this study is a set of alleged contradictions in the development of artificial intelligence, pursued in order to achieve their overcoming. Philosophical anthropology contains the potential to analyze complex interactions, to articulate the problems that arise between artificial intelligence and humans. The philosophical and anthropological analysis of artificial intelligence is aimed at understanding this human phenomenon, human presence and its experience. The article is an attempt to identify and outline the trajectories for the possible resolution of the (...)
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    Pravovye doktriny: ot Drevnego mira do informat︠s︡ionnoĭ ėpokhi.Leonid Viktorovich Goloskokov - 2003 - Moskva: Nauchnyĭ mir.
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  23. V.K. Triandafillov i voenno-politicheskoe myshlenie 1920-kh godov.Sergeĭ Viktorovich I︠A︡rov - 1994 - Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t istorii materialʹnoĭ kulʹtury.
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    Totallogii︠a︡ (filosofii︠a︡ obnovlenii︠a︡).Vladimir Viktorovich Kizima - 2005 - Kiev: PARAPAN.
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  25. Samai︠a︡ chelovechnai︠a︡.Varlen Viktorovich Kolbanovskiĭ - 1959
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    Methodological issues of the research of the formation of computer graphics skills in bachelor students of art and pedagogical education.Andrey Viktorovich Korobanov & Aleksandra Vitalievna Chertkova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):269-273.
    The purpose of the study is to identify the needs of bachelor students of various areas in the field of fine arts in the skills of mastering computer graphics and using its various types in professional activities. The Federal State Educational Standard in the areas of education, general and professional competencies associated with the possession of computer graphics, methods and techniques of work necessary for organizing a holistic process in this discipline are analyzed.
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    Ret︠s︡eptivno-germenevticheskiĭ podkhod v literaturovedenii: ocherki istorii, teorii i metodologii: uchebnoe posobie dli︠a︡ studentov filologicheskikh fakulʹtetov universitetov.Anatoliĭ Viktorovich Lashkevich - 1994 - Izhevsk: Udmurtskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  28. Print︠s︡ip sochuvstvii︠a︡: razmyshlenii︠a︡ ob ėtike i nauchnom poznanii.Sergeĭ Viktorovich Meĭen - 2006 - Moskva: GEOS.
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  29. Zachem i︠a︡?Leonid Viktorovich Pochivalov - 1976 - Moskva: Sov. Rossii︠a︡.
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  30. Kritika sovremennoĭ angliĭskoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėstetiki.Vadim Viktorovich Prozerskiĭ - 1973
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  31. Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ amerikanskoĭ ėstetiki.Vadim Viktorovich Prozerskiĭ - 1975
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  32. Tezisy dokladov nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii aspirantov i soiskateleĭ: novye atribut︠s︡ii, otkrytii︠a︡, nakhodki.Boris Viktorovich Sapunov (ed.) - 1994 - Sankt-Peterburg: Gos. Ėrmitazh.
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    Pozitivnoe myshlenie: simpaticheskai︠a︡ magii︠a︡ i khristianstvo.Viktor Viktorovich Selivanovskiĭ - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: Institut bogoslovii︠a︡ i filosofii.
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  34. Vzainosvi︠a︡zʹ estestvennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk.Semen Viktorovich Shukhardin (ed.) - 1976
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    Fundamentalʹnai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ prava: monografii︠a︡.Vitaliĭ Viktorovich Sorokin - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "I︠U︡rlitinform".
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    Culture and Morality in the Nineteenth Century: The Origins of Modern European Tolerance.Aleksandr Viktorovich Voloshinov, Elena Aleksandrovna Semukhina & Svetlana Vladimirovna Shindel - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    This publication aims to analyze the economic, social, and cultural phenomena that first appeared in the "era of revolutions" that occurred in the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. The modern European trend toward tolerance, which is the basis of current social and cultural changes, including in our country, has specific intellectual grounds. The subject of the study was the ideosphere of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including philosophical, economic, and psychological concepts that gave rise to modern trends in these (...)
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    Selected Writings of Eduard Bernstein, 1900-1921.Eduard Bernstein - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    This collection presents the English-language reader for the first time with essays that are representative of Bernstein's much-neglected revisionist period, 1901-1921. Bernstein himself suggested that this later work included significant new elements, indicating further progress in his liberal-socialist theory. Bernstein's later work acquires additional significance in light of the events of 1989, which have discredited not only Marxism-Leninism, but revolutionary Marxist theory in general, thus making the reevaluation of Bernstein's revisionism a worthwhile experience.
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    Philosophische Aufsätze: Eduard Zeller zu seinem fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubiläum gewidmet.Eduard Zeller - 1887 - Zentral-Antiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
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    Enttäuschung und Widerspruch: die konservative Position Eduard Sprangers im Nationalsozialismus: Analysen, Texte, Dokumente.Eduard Spranger, Uwe Henning, Achim Leschinsky & Walter Eisermann (eds.) - 1991 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Massstäbe: Perspektiven des Denkens von Eduard Spranger.Eduard Spranger, Walter Eisermann, Hermann J. Meyer & Hermann Röhrs (eds.) - 1983 - Düsseldorf: Schwann.
  41. Bernard Bolzano: zur 200. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 5. Oktober 1981: dem Wirken Eduard Winters gewidmet.Eduard Winter & Heinrich Scheel (eds.) - 1982 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  42. Mental Representation and Consciousness: Toward a Phenomenological Theory of Representation and Reference.Eduard Marbach - 1993 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  43. Eduard Heimann on the" revolutionary situation"[with rejoinder].Sidney Hook & Eduard Heimann - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Eduard von Hartmann's ausgewählte werke..Eduard von Hartmann - 1885 - Leipzig,: H. Haacke.
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    Eduard von Hartmann's System der Philosophie im grundriss..Eduard von Hartmann - 1907 - Bad Sachsa,: H. Haacke.
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    Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung.Eduard Zeller, Anagarika Brahmacari Govinda & Eduard Wellmann - 1862 - Reisland.
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    Eduard E. Safronov. (Not) Our digital products. Book Review: Perzanowski A., Schultz J. (2019) The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy, Moscow: Delo. [REVIEW]Eduard Safronov - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (1):251-259.
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    The priority heuristic: Making choices without trade-offs.Eduard Brandstätter, Gerd Gigerenzer & Ralph Hertwig - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):409-432.
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    Das Problem des Ich in der Phänomenologie Husserls.Eduard Marbach - 1974 - Den Haag,: Springer.
    "Allerdings, das ist eine grosse Frage, der ich zu sehr ausgewichen bin, die Evidenz des Ich als ein Identisches, das also doch nicht in dem Bündel bestehen kann." (Husserl, 1907) Bekanntlich verwirft Husserl in den Logischen Untersuchungen die Auffassung, "dass die Beziehung auf das Ich etwas zum we sentlichen Bestande des intentionalen Erlebnisses selbst Gehöriges sei'',! und bildet um 1907, nach Einführung der phänomenolo gischen Reduktion, "die Beziehung auf das Ich zu unterlassen, oder von ihr zu abstrahieren" geradezu die Bedingung, (...)
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    On the Musically Beautiful: A Contribution Towards the Revision of the Aesthetics of Music.Eduard Hanslick - 1986 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Like Hanslick, Professor Payzant is both musician and philosopher; and he has brought the knowledge and insights of both disciplines to this large undertaking." --Gordon Epperson, _Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism_.
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